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The first bakery I ever worked in was called The Bread Garden in Berkeley, Ca. It was way ahead of its time, predating legendary bakeries like Acme Bread in Berkeley, Ca and Bread Alone in Boiceville, NY. These were the bakeries that started making Artisanal european style breads before anyone in the US.

To Americans, bread was white, squishy, pre-sliced mediocrity found in the bread aisle at the grocery store.David Morris, owner of The Bread Garden, died of cancer at the young age of 65 in April, 2013. He was one of the few certified Master Bakers in the US; a quirky, generous man with an interest in beekeeping, wine making and homebrewing beer. As a homebrewer myself, we shared an interest, and he shared his famous Malted Barley Bread recipe.
Browse our huge assortment of artisan breads, delicious desserts and mouth-watering cakes and pies, you've never tasted before.
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Place your order for a date you need in advance and it will be delivered as soon as possible.
Enjoy a cup of morning coffee with our amazing breads and the finest quality cakes and donuts.
David gave me my first bakery job, and I like to think Seven Stars wouldn’t be what it is without his influence over 20 years ago. You hear about breads made with spent grain from the brewing process. Unfortunately, spent grain is just that. Spent. The first step in brewing happens in the mash tun. Adding water to malted barley, at the correct temperature, converts starch in the barley to sugar. This sugary liquid, called wort, is then run off into the kettle, boiled with hops, fermented and becomes beer.
Sharon Willis
"I placed my order a few days ago. I can't wait to open the cookies. Each pack is wrapped in bubble wrap. Thanks again!"
Alan Smith
"You guys are truly the best. That said between your customer service, minimal mistakes, timely orders, are all things y’all do right."
Sharon Willis
"I placed my order a few days ago. I can't wait to open the cookies. Each pack is wrapped in bubble wrap. Thanks again!"
Alan Smith
"You guys are truly the best. That said between your customer service, minimal mistakes, timely orders, are all things y’all do right."
Sharon Willis
"I placed my order a few days ago. I can't wait to open the cookies. Each pack is wrapped in bubble wrap. Thanks again!"
Alan Smith
"You guys are truly the best. That said between your customer service, minimal mistakes, timely orders, are all things y’all do right."